Friday, November 20, 2009

i and love and you

thanksgiving is coming and could not be more excited! this is my [second] favorite time of year (spring being the fave, of course) and i can't wait to go home!

i get to visit with allllll of my family, hang out with the broseph, aaron [who i hardly get to see], and see all the beautiful orange and yellow leaves, something that is rare in charleston.

i will also reunite with my wonderful, beautiful friends and eat until i explode. my two favorite things!

here are a few pictures of a turkey day party monica had at her apartment last year:

i have so much fun with my home friends and i can't wait to see them! [and catch up on all the juicy gossip about the stupids we went to high school with :)]

and maybe watch new moon....

i love those fall days when the air is crisp, the sun is shining and a big gust of wind knocks tons of leaves from the trees


  1. sounds LOVELY!!! i love that song too! have a wonderful thanksgiving claire!!

  2. A BLOG POST??!! Yyyyayyy claire. haha loves it

  3. hahaha the stupids you went to high school with... SO MANY!
